Sunday 27 November 2011

A boring Sunday

This morning I get awake by my mom, she ask me to go for breakfast with her.
Because she knew I am going back this afternoon.
So I awake to accompany her to have breakfast.
So I fetch her to have dim sum (Chinese food) for our breakfast.
After finish it, I pack and prepare to drive back to NILAI.
When I am driving on the highway, it was raining.
So I  drive not so fast and when I almost reach the second roundabout,
When I see those car is clear, then I wanted to turn but there is a motorcycle in front of my car,
I never see them, I almost bang them, luckily CK stop me.
My heart almost "drop out", it was so dangerous and I almost have an accident.
Luckily nothing happen, but when I reach hostel.
My mom called me and she told she had accident near Paroi.
I was so nervous and keep on asking what happen and make sure she is okay.
Luckily it was not so serious and she was okay, behind the car was break.
She told me she have to go police station to make a report.
I pray nothing happen to her again and hope she will pay more concern in driving.
God Bless =)

 My Mom's car

Bumper was break

Another party's car


Saturday 26 November 2011

Outing to PC Fair

Today I went to PC Fair near Ampangan.
There was so crowded, and most of them are Malays.
Everyone was so busy and asking the details of laptop, mouse, pendrive, keyboard, earphones and etc.
I also busy with asking the price and pick what I want.
I am so happy that I bought one pair of laptop speaker and one keyboard protector.
It cost RM 4 for protector and RM 29 for speaker.
It count cheap to me, and I satisfy with these products.
The quality not bad and the price is fair.
The sound is quite good and quite loud!

I am so Happy today  ^^

Friday 25 November 2011


I think I am too stress. Until I am so sick.
This whole week is the exam week, but I am sick.
Having fever and diarrhea, it was so suffer.
I can't even stop going to toilet, luckily I still can go for test.
Finally the test over today, but Tuesday until today, my sick never get recover.
I feel so free after the test, the only thing is my stomach.
I don't know what I had eat, until I get so sick.
I am so scared with maths and economic subjects.
I have no confidence to get pass in these two subjects.
I am so scared......

God Bless <3

Saturday 19 November 2011


I am going to be mad. Because of the assignment and the coming of test 2.
I am afraid of the test. This is because I am not well prepare for the test.
I am nervous. Because of the assignment. All is still in progress but not done at all.
Our group started since one month ago, but we still can't finish it. I am so disappointed.
I am scared to face the test paper, I scared I can't answer the question.
I am studying now but my head was killing me, my head was like a heavy stone.
Its all loaded and full, heavy untill I can't breath. 
I Hope I can overcome all the problems.
Good Luck to me =)

                   OVERCOME DIFFICULTIES,
                                                       NOT BE OVERCOME BY DIFFICULTIES "

Friday 4 November 2011

ENL Assignment Answer

Question 2 (a)

          According to the articles above, I understand that baby dumping is a kind of murder action, most of the cases occurs among the teenagers, under-age mother and unmarried couples. When the male knows the female pregnant, most of them will try to avoid responsibilities, and asked the female to abortion. Female scare to abortion, so they decide to give birth but they scared the society and their parents will belittle and blame them. So they abandoned the babies in the public places such as dustbin, toilet, rivers, the roads or other places. If there is no one notices the babies, sure the babies will die on the spot.

          Baby Dumping is a very cruel action, the life of the baby is award from god. The couple should think other ways to rear the bay and find other ways to solve this problem. They should not avoid responsibilities with what they have done and be courage to bear the consequence. But they just abandoned the baby and end a life with their different kinds of stupid action. They can't afford to rear a baby because their economy problems and they don't have the knowledge in taking care of a baby. Most of their reason to choose abortion is they want to keep their own reputation in the society and avoid gossip from the society and their friends. This is because society or neighbour looking at squinting to that family if there is any cases of baby dumping occur. Their parents should concern their own children's life and strictly advice their children form getting involve with other people with sex.

          This society having more cases in baby dumping, so the under-age mother follows what other people do, to abortion their own flash and blood. The reason of choosing abortion and baby dumping is to solve their own problem but never think the other ways to overcome the problems. The government should take responsibilities in this issues and avoid it happens again and again by using many ways to solve this problems. Beside government, the society, the parents, the counsellors and every nation have the responsible to solve these cruel attitude and stop to make mistake choices.

Question 2 (b)

          In our society today, there are many causes that cause baby dumping occur in the society and many members in our life relate to in. Especially high school students facing the free sex, abortion and dumping baby. Some of them addicted to alcohol, so they get rape or having sex without take any prevention for pregnancy. High school students are too immature to fully understand the effects of free sex could have on their lives. Panic of being pregnant unexpectedly, they take the risk to abort the baby and baby dumping.

          Therefore, parents should pay a lot of attention in their children, especially about the moral education. Parent is the one who always stay beside with their children and they are the most closest among the people in the children's life. Not only the moral education is the main role that causes baby dumping phenomenon, the other role such as internet, television also one of the cause. Because when they watch those sex movies through television or internet, they misunderstand the real meaning of having sex. When teenagers watch the sex videos in the internet, they will discuss with their friends and they start to have curiosity and feel like wanted to try to have sex. So, government should plan to place sex education in schools to teach children what is the meaning of having sex and teach them how to solve their hormone problems.

          Not only government, parents should teach their own children in this kind of knowledge and give them a lesson. When unwed girls find themselves pregnant, they afraid to tell their parents, so the best thing in their mind is throw away the baby without feel guilty because this is the only way to solve their problems. Besides that, they also fear the shame of having given birth outside the marriage, or they fear that they will be unable to continue their study of anyone knows about that.

          Not only the under-age mother, some causes occur in a broken marriages family, unwanted pregnancies have been one of the major causes of baby dumping. Unprotected sex and unreported rape also may cause women dump their baby or even kill their own baby. They feel embarrassed when having a baby without a dad and they not well prepared to have a baby in their life. They wanted to avoid the gossip from the society and their relatives. One of the causes is sexual abuse, they dump their babies often because they felt betrayed and use their child's father. These are the causes of baby dumping in the society with the stupid actions and ugliness of humanity.

Question 2 (c)(i) Society

          The Impacts of dumping baby on society are the under-age mother will follow the flow in the society, when they want to run away from the responsible, they just throw away their baby without feel guilty. This may affects is a kind of normal case in the society, when there is more cases, it's reflect more common and the case has become wide. Everyone will feel like baby dumping is a normal case and the teenagers may get influence form these.

          There will be a lot of negative views from the society. The moral views in the society is get affected by this case and this case may repeat again and again in the future if there is no solutions to solve this problem. This young generation is lost of the nature humanity and no sympathy, they have lost their own faith in themselves. This society may become a culture of corruption and the next generation will follow doing the same thing and more cruel things. Teenagers should keep a distance from the crimes and be courage to bear what they have done.

          The moral values of this society is being cruel and becoming a bad environment for our next generation children to live on and learn on. The doctor should stop helping women to abortion and avoid them choose a mistake choice. Counsellors should counsel those under-age and unwed pregnant women and help them to solve their problems. Abortion is same as a murder action, this society should change their mind in continuing be a blind human without humanity and stop this problem as fast as possible.

         Attention of parents towards children is very important to avoid it happens on their own children. Babies are not a garbage that can be thrown in the trash without any guilty and without any humanity.

Question 2(c)(ii) Nation

          There are many negative impacts of baby dumping on nation. The impacts are the percentage of baby dumping cases will increase and there is lack of moral values in every nation. People who dump their own flesh and blood are lack of moral values and their ugly humanity. The image and reputation of a nation may affect by the cases of baby dumping, when other nation knows the cases of baby dumping is increasing on the another nation, they will feel like this nation's society is cruel and lack of humanity. Their bad and cruel attitudes towards problem solving shows the nation is a "black country". I cannot imagine how these teenagers are going to destroy the world, themselves and future generation. Teenagers create a harmful environment and break the order of peaceful lives.

           If a country is more in dumping baby cases, the reputation of a country is destroy and no one will go to a bad reputation country for travel. Because this is a kind of action of embarrass the country, other country look oblique to the country which this case is keeping on increasing. If everywhere can be seen there are a lot of dead babies in the trash as garbage, what would foreign people think about this country ?

           Furthermore, the issue cause of foreign investor from outside less assured to invest in this country because this country has a lot of problems. So this may affects the peaceful lives and the economic problems in every nation. Every nation has their own religion, as we know different religion have different moral values. But none of the religion teach us bad behaviour, it teach us all the good moral values and be a good person in this world. As we know, free sex is prohibited in Islam and may religions. In Malaysia, is an Islamic country, which strictly forbidden the action of free sex. Having pregnant without any marriage is count not legal and and not a good image for the couple. Thus, the government should strictly take actions in solving this kind of problem and prevent this case appear in the country to preserve our own country's image and reputation.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Homework ^^

1) We ramble through the wonderful streets that lined with flowers.
2) Ah Beng could not keep from peacefully that makes the lecture uninteresting.
3) The attitude of those children from shattered family has been investigated by psychologists.
4) An indignant customer rushed into the manager's room.
5) The confession of the accident that saw by the two people must be provide in the court.


Saturday 10 September 2011

Introduce Of My Self

Well, Start to introduce my self here:

Hello everyone ^^
My Name is Charissa Chai Ruey Li , Normally everyone call me Charissa.
I am 18 , My birthday is on 19 of September 1993.
My hometown is at Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
I am a Christian, but I seldom go to church.
My hobbies are swimming and play badminton.
I likes to hang out with friends, going out to "Yam Cha" with buddies, shopping (normally girls like it right ?) and travel the whole world.
I dislike people betray me, lie to me or even worse than that.
I am studying foundation in business and information technology, currently at INTI International University, Nilai.

My Personal GOAL:

- To get good grades in all subjects during my foundation and degree
- To get a certification and seek a good job for future
- Earn money to operate own business as well
- Travel the whole world, to every country

Actually I quite likes to describe my feelings in words.
Its not because to share my feelings but to express my feelings.
Its make me feel better when i express it all out in words.
Besides that,
I like to write some story or my own experience in the essay while having some tittle regarding own interested.
While I am in primary school, my essay part quite well and i get A in every language subject's essay part.
Now ??
I think its because the difficulty of the level in education is harder and harder.
It makes me feel lazy to write an essay and hard to full fill the requirements.
I will change my laziness and start to like to write essay again in my life =)
